New clinical trial of Armour Thyroid is recruiting U.S. patients

A clinical trial comparing Armour Thyroid (NDT) and Levothyroxine (LT4) is now recruiting patients in the United States. The sponsor of the study is Allergan, the makers of Armour Thyroid in the United States. They hope to recruit 220 patients at multiple locations listed on the clinical trial website. In this post, I provide what is known of the study details, and then engage in thyroid science commentary, raising our hopes for the useful, objective scientific insights this trial might reveal. Outline Study details Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Commentary Is an Allergan-sponsored study going to be biased? Not a superiority …

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Our wish: May you be blessed with T3 sufficiency

At this time of year, many nonprofit organizations focus on the relief of poverty and hunger. But humans can also suffer T3 hormone poverty and hunger. We can’t be truly healthy without “enough” T3 in our bloodstream, our tissues, organs and cells. We can’t be healthy with “too much” T3 activity in cells, either. Well-regulated T3 supply is just like having well-regulated blood sugar levels and a healthy insulin response to blood sugar. Getting enough T3 is like getting enough macro- and micronutrients in our diet, without excess or imbalance. “Enough” also depends on the individual. Giving 1500 to 2500 …

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Survey: Canadian Thyroid Testing Tips & Challenges

We’re trying a new strategy to crowdsource data on Canadian thyroid patients’ access to thyroid laboratory testing. For a limited time, we are test-driving an anonymous survey with a real-time report that displays up to date statistics and results. Take the survey Here’s the link to the Canadian Thyroid Testing Tips & Challenges survey page. About the survey At this time, the survey is only for Canadian thyroid patients. If this test-run goes well, we may launch some international surveys in future. The survey asks you what city and province you live in, which lab blood was tested at, whether …

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Healthier thyroid warriors: Our fight is not over.

A fundamental principle energizes any group of thyroid patients to try to improve thyroid therapy: Some thyroid-disabled people have suffered a lot and have won partial victories in their own thyroid therapy. Now that they are on a therapy that is better than before, even if it might be far from perfect yet, they can finally think more clearly. They can be less fatigued. These victory-winners now fear that they might lose ground themselves in the future. Like soldiers who see their colleagues being wounded and falling in battle, they suffer some survivor’s guilt. Why am I getting help while …

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Relational Stability, part 4: The new thyroid paradigm

This final section of my paraphrase of Hoermann et al’s landmark 2016 article articulates the shift from the limited, older TSH-T4 paradigm to the new paradigm that includes T3 hormone. Interrelational Measures and Emerging New Concepts of Thyroid Homeostasis [Paraphrase begins] TSH can play a useful role in screening patients who do not have any hypothyroid or hyperthyroid symptoms. However, it cannot at the same time assume the second role of being a reliable diagnostic tool (a gold standard) for defining true “euthyroid” status within the TSH range. We should therefore scale back the common practice of clinical interpretation of …

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